International Metabolomics Data Space

Unlock the full potential of metabolomics research. The IMDS empowers researchers and industry professionals to discover studies and datasets from teams across the world, and to further analyze and refine their data in order to extract valuable insights.



Discover what the IMDS can do for you

Whether you're a researcher or professional working in the industry, the IMDS has got you covered.

Public repositories

If you are releasing a scientific publication, you can choose among trusted repositories such as METASPACE or MetaboLights to host your datasets.

Data analysis

No matter your needs, there is a workflow available to suit them. Use METASPACE to perform metabolite annotation, or choose among many available tools on Datoma or MetaboLights Labs.

Easy to use

Thanks to the use of web-based technologies, the only thing you need to get started is a browser. It's all just a few clicks away!


There are many ways you can contribute to the ecosystem. You can publish your studies on a public repository, or you can release useful tools for the community.


The architecture for the International Metabolomics Data Space is based on the International Data Spaces Reference Architecture Model (IDS-RAM).


More information

Find out more about the different participants and components that make up the data space

Data Owner/Source

The Data Owner/Source is an entity or a person capable of creating data or executing control over it. Likewise, the Data Owner/Source can define policies to provide secure access to its data. In this way, the Data Owner/Source makes the data available for the Data Provider.

Data Provider

The Data Provider is responsible for providing the data to the Data Consumer from the Data Owner. Additionally, the Data Provider facilitates data discovery by the Data Consumer by sending metadata about the stored data to the Data Broker.

Data Consumer

The Data Consumer is in charge of receiving the data from the Data Provider. The Data Consumer can perform data sourcing from the Data Broker.

Data Broker

The Data Broker is responsible for ensuring secure access and discovery to data and the confidential execution of analytical applications in our platform. Its core is formed by two key components: the confidential data exchange, a rich metadata platform for data encryption to facilitate private data discovery, and a confidential and federated orchestration layer for edge workflows that fulfill security and confidentiality requirements.

Data Connector

The Data Connector aims to establish optimized data management operations based on new Extract, Transform and Load techniques to efficiently handle extreme health data.

App Store

The App Store is a digitial marketplace that aims to provide data applications. These data applications present different data processing workflows.

Identity Provider

The Identity Provider manages user identities to perform data creation, management, monitoring and other operations. In addition, it controls the access of identities to the data in order to ensure security and confidentiality.

Data Sources

Repositories to publish and share experimental data


  • Ideal for MS-Imaging data (must be centroided to be uploaded)
  • Performs metabolite annotation for you
  • Clean UI with features to explore the data and compare between datasets
  • Useful for scientific publishing


  • Database of studies as well as compounds
  • Find metabolomics studies by title, organism, technology and other metadata
  • Useful for scientific publishing

App Stores

Easily analyze and process data with a wide range of tools

MetaboLights Labs

  • Integrated with MetaboLights repository
  • Many tools to choose from
  • Create workflows to perform complex analyses


  • Integrated with METASPACE, MetaboLights and Metabolomics Workbench
  • Many tools to choose from
  • Create workflows to perform complex analyses
  • Python library for automation

Use case example

The following slides show how to browse repositories using the Data Broker, and import files to an App Store (Datoma).